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Resources in 'Respite'

Epilepsy Foundation of the St. Louis Region

Address: 164 Crestwood Plaza, Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63126
Phone: (314) 962-3900 Email: Website:

Did You Know: Epilepsy and seizure disorder are the same thing. There are between 20 and 30 different kinds of seizures. In our metropolitan area, up to 250,000 members may have recurrent seizures at some time during their lives. 3 million Americans have… Read More

Family Voices Missouri

Address: 215 S Pershing,, 6th Floor
Kansas City, MO 64108
Phone: (816) 235-1763 Fax: (888) 5033107 Website:

Family Voices aims to achieve family-centered care for all children and youth with special health care needs and/or disabilities. Through our national network, we provide families tools to make informed decisions, advocate for improved public and private… Read More

Missouri HealthNet for Kids

Address: 525 Jules Street, Suite 127
St. Joseph, MO 64501
Phone: (888) 275-5908 Website:

You must be eligible for MO HealthNet on each day you get health care. You must pay for any medical care you get after MO HealthNet coverage ends. If you are in a MO HealthNet Managed Care health plan, you must go to your Primary Care Provider (PCP) or… Read More

Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Address: 1500 Southridge Drive, Suite 201
Jefferson City, MO 65109
Phone: (573) 526-5205 Email: Website:

The Missouri Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing works with individuals, service providers, businesses, organizations, and state agencies to improve the lives and opportunities of all Missourians with hearing loss. Read More

Missouri School for the Deaf

Address: 505 E Fifth Street
Fulton, MO 65251-1799
Phone: (573) 592-4000 Fax: (573) 5922570 Website:

Missouri provides a well rounded educational program for the deaf children of the state through the facilities and services of the Missouri School for the Deaf.  The Missouri Legislature established MSD in 1851, and it is the oldest state supported school… Read More

Missouri Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Address: 2000 E Broadway,, PMB 296
Columbia, MO 65201-6009
Phone: (888) 729-6742 Fax: (888) 7293489 Email: Website:

MSHA serves as the state association representing speech-language pathologists, audiologists, speech, language, and hearing scientists and related personnel associated with organized speech, language, and hearing education and health-care settings. More… Read More

Wolfner Library for the Blind and Physically Handicapped

Address: 600 W Main Street
Jefferson City, MO 65101
Phone: (573) 751-4936 Website:

Wolfner Library is a free library service for Missourians who are unable to use standard print materials due to a visual or physical disability. Materials are mailed to and from library patrons at their homes, postage paid. There is no charge, whatsoever… Read More

Life Skills

Address: 10176 Corporate Square Drive, Suite 100
St. Louis, MO 63132
Phone: (314) 567-7705 Fax: (314) 5676539 Email:

Life Skills changes lives by helping people with developmental disabilities find meaningful work and live in a home of their own in the community. All people with developmental disabilities live and participate in a community that values their contribution… Read More

St. Louis Office for Developmental Disabilities

Address: 2334 Olive Street
St. Louis, MO 63103
Phone: (314) 421-0090 Fax: (314) 4212525 Email: Website:

The St. Louis Office for Developmental Disability Resources (DD Resources) was created by the Missouri legislature in 1969 and incorporated in 1980. The legislation, known as the County Sheltered Workshop and Developmental Disability Services Law, allows… Read More

Missouri Division of Developmental Disabilities

Address: 1706 E Elm Street,, PO Box 687
Jefferson City, MO 65102
Phone: (573) 751-4054 Email: Website:

Missouri Department of Mental Health   "The Division of Developmental Disabilities (DD), established in 1974, serves a population that has developmental disabilities such as mental retardation, cerebral palsy, head injuries, autism, epilepsy, and certain… Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?