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How Do I Find Out About Cerebral Palsy Clinical Trials in My Area?
In a previous blog, we covered what clinical trials are, the 4 FDA-mandated phases of a trial, the benefits and risks of participating, what current clinical trials relate to cerebral palsy and what might be involved in qualifying for one. The next step is learning how to find clinical trials in your area. Read More
Clinical Trials and Cerebral Palsy: The Basics
As with most medical conditions, cerebral palsy does not have just one treatment. Considered “incurable,” the condition of cerebral palsy results in a lifelong quest for improvements, not cures. Read More
8 Steps to Maximize Doctor Appointments for Special-Needs Children
Doctor appointments are all too frequent in the lives of families with special needs children. The appointments themselves and the issues addressed, however, are seldom routine. Given that you will have 15-30 minutes at most with the doctor, making the most of this time is critical. Read More
Periods and CP: Tips for Parents
hen we post our “Question of the Day” on Facebook, we always expect some interaction. After all, our community is very active and loves to help other families facing the same issues. However we were pleasantly surprised when we received an overwhelming amount of feedback to this question. Read More
Is Summer Camp in Your Child’s Future?
Summer is almost here and if you’re a parent of a child of a certain age, you start hearing chatter about summer camps, day camps and all fun activities typical children enjoy. But what about your child who uses a wheelchair, or has difficulty speaking or eating? Is this in his or her future? Read More
When to Contact Your Child’s Doctor During the Holidays
You may have read this blog post in which Giles Manley urges parents and expectant women: Call a doctor if you feel like you should, even and especially over the holidays! This advice rings equally true for the families of children with special needs Read More
Common Mistakes Leading to Brain Injury in Newborns
By Giles Manley, MD, JD CPFN Medical Advisor As an attorney with more than 20 years of obstetrical experience, I regularly sit down with parents and review situations in which medical error is the suspected cause of their child’s cerebral palsy. While each case is different, there are certain medical errors which come up most... Read More
Possible Signs of Medical Error During Labor and Delivery
Fortunately, most births in the United States are complication-free. But in my practice, I primarily deal with parents whose child was diagnosed months or even years after birth with cerebral palsy, and who suspect medical error may have played a part. I have investigated some 10,000 of these cases over the years. Read More
Uterine Rupture as a Cause for CP
Uterine rupture is one of the most feared obstetric complications that, if not dealt with immediately (usually by performing an emergency Cesarean section), can result in serious brain damage to the child or the death of either the mother or child. Read More
Birth Asphyxia and Cerebral Palsy
When most people hear the word asphyxia, their thoughts turn to suffocation or strangulation. Few people realize that asphyxiation can occur during the birthing process, often causing lifelong complications for the child. Read More