Birth Injury
advice for birth injuries and what to expect

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Posts in 'Birth Injury'
Advice to Expecting Parents about Assisted Delivery Using Vacuum Extraction
By Giles Manley, MD, JD CPFN Medical Advisor When a mother is unable to deliver a child on her own, assistive equipment may be used to help speed the birthing process. Because the need for vacuum extraction (VE) is always a possibility during childbirth, parents need to be aware of what it entails and what... Read More
Fetal Heart Monitoring: How Mistakes Happen in Labor and Delivery
By Giles Manley, MD, JD CPFN Medical Advisor Electronic fetal heart monitoring is used in nearly all hospital births in the United States. The technology has been around for decades. But medical records of brain-injured infants I review each week frequently show that although fetal monitoring was showing the baby was experiencing high levels of... Read More
How to Determine if Your Child Suffered a Birth Injury
Parents who come to me for advice about a birth injury lawsuit already suspect something went wrong during the delivery of their child. They are armed with a recent diagnosis of cerebral palsy or some other disorder, and desperately want to know the truth about what happened. Were they to blame? Was the doctor? The hospital? Read More
Understanding the Risks of Misdiagnosed Fetal Position
At the time of delivery, the position of an unborn child in a woman’s uterus is considered normal only if it presents itself head-first and face down (known as the occiput anterior position). If the baby presents itself in any other position such as feet first, buttocks first or sideways, it is termed a breech presentation or breech birth and considered abnormal. Read More
Birth Asphyxia and Cerebral Palsy
When most people hear the word asphyxia, their thoughts turn to suffocation or strangulation. Few people realize that asphyxiation can occur during the birthing process, often causing lifelong complications for the child. Read More
Uterine Rupture as a Cause for CP
Uterine rupture is one of the most feared obstetric complications that, if not dealt with immediately (usually by performing an emergency Cesarean section), can result in serious brain damage to the child or the death of either the mother or child. Read More