Doctor Visits
how to spend your time at the doctor effectively

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Posts in 'Doctor Visits'
Prenatal Testing and Care: How to Earn an “A”
There’s so much to prepare for during your pregnancy and, while most of that preparation is exciting—choosing a name, decorating the nursery and indulging your strange cravings—it can be a bit nerve-wracking to think about all the medical tests and doctor visits ahead. Those routine checkups and prenatal screening tests help your healthcare provider learn... Read More
How to Prevent Cerebral Palsy During Pregnancy
There are three types of cerebral palsy: congenital, acquired, and genetic predisposition. Congenital cerebral palsy, a type of CP that occurs when the brain doesn’t develop as it should before or during birth, can sometimes be prevented during pregnancy. If you have concerns about cerebral palsy, how to prevent it is likely at the top... Read More
8 Steps to Maximize Doctor Appointments for Special-Needs Children
Doctor appointments are all too frequent in the lives of families with special needs children. The appointments themselves and the issues addressed, however, are seldom routine. Given that you will have 15-30 minutes at most with the doctor, making the most of this time is critical. Read More
When to Contact Your Child’s Doctor During the Holidays
You may have read this blog post in which Giles Manley urges parents and expectant women: Call a doctor if you feel like you should, even and especially over the holidays! This advice rings equally true for the families of children with special needs Read More