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Resources in 'Respite'

Washington Parent Teacher Association (PTA)

Address: 2003 65th Avenue West
Tacoma, WA 98466-6215
Phone: (253) 565-2153 Fax: (253) 5657753 Email: Website:

  "Founded in 1905, the Washington Congress of Parents and Teachers, better known as the Washington State PTA, is the largest volunteer organization in the state, with more than 140,000 members in more than 900 local units across the state. Our vision… Read More

Washington State Parent Information and Training Center (PTI)

Address: 6316 S. 12th Street
Tacoma, WA 98465-1900
Phone: (253) 565-2266 Fax: (253) 5668052 Email: Website:

Statewide Parent Training Information Center (PTI) is a federally funded program that provides training, resources, and support for parents in Washington State whose children have special learning needs, individuals with disabilities, professionals –… Read More

Parent to Parent Power – Tacoma

Address: 6316 So. 12th St.
Tacoma, WA 98465
Phone: (253) 565-2266 Fax: (253) 566-8052 Email: Website:

Parent to Parent Power provides valuable information to community members needing the support and resources to ensure their child with needs revceives adequate care and support. We also provide specialized support for Asian community members who have… Read More

Families Together

Address: 115 NW State Street, Suite 105
Pullman, WA 99164-1410
Phone: 208-874-7720 Fax: (509) 3357339 Email: Website:

Nonprofit organization that believes family involvement and support are essential for individuals with disabilities to reach their potential and maintain a life that is secure and meaningful. Families Together programs are designed to build and sustain… Read More

Washington P2P Programs – State Coordinating Office

Address: 2638 State Avenue N.E.
Olympia, WA 98506
Phone: (360) 357-3279 Email: Website:

Susan Atkins, Program Director     "Learning that your child has a disability can be a traumatic experience. Parents have many questions and concerns in coping with their child’s needs and their own feelings. Personal support from another parent, who… Read More

Washington Social Security Administration/Supplemental Security Income (SSA/SSI)

Address: 811 South Hill Park Drive Suite A
Puyallup, WA 98373
Phone: (800) 325-0778 Website:

The Social Security Administration's Seattle Region proudly serves the residents of Alaska, Idaho, Oregon and Washington. Our region encompasses 23% of America's landmass and spans three time zones. Approximately 1.8 million of our region's 12 million… Read More

Washington Speech-Language-Hearing Association

Address: 2150 N. 107th Street, Suite 205
Seattle, WA 98133-9009
Phone: (206) 367-8704 Fax: (206) 3678777 Email: Website:

  "Washington Speech-Language-Hearing Association (WSLHA) is an organization which promotes professional excellence in speech-language pathology and audiology. The mission of WSLHA is to act as the primary resource and advocate for its members and those… Read More

Easter Seals Washington’s Assistive Technology Center

  "Technology creates unprecedented potential for people with disabilities to achieve inclusion, independence, and self sufficiency.  Assistive Technologies are stand alone electronic devices, computer hardware, and computer software that allow people… Read More

Washington Assistive Technology Act Program

Address: UW Mailbox 357920
Seattle, WA 98195-7920
Phone: (206) 685-4181 Fax: (206) 5434779 Email: Website:

University of Washington Center for Technology & Disability Studies   "The Washington Assistive Technology Act Program points the way to Assistive Technology solutions. WATAP is a federally funded program that works with partners around the state to offer… Read More

United Cerebral Palsy Association of Oregon and SW Washington, Inc.

Address: 305 NE 102nd Ave., Suite 100
Portland, OR 97220
Phone: (503) 777-4166 Fax: (503) 7718048 Email: Website:

  "United Cerebral Palsy (UCP) of Oregon and SW Washington is a non-profit based in Portland, Oregon. We’ve been advancing the independence, productivity and full citizenship of people with disabilities since 1955. Today, we provide support for over 260… Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?