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Resources in 'Education'

Inspire – The CP Center

Address: 2 Fletcher Street
Goshen,, NY 10924
Phone: (845) 294-8806 Website:

Inspire’s mission is to form partnerships with people who have special challenges in order to maximize their capabilities to lead fuller lives; By providing quality person-centered services to meet individual challenges By informing and educating about… Read More

Tennessee Council on Developmental Disabilities

Address: 404 James Robertson Parkway, Suite 130
Nashville, TN 37243-0228
Phone: (615) 532-6556 Email: Website:

The Council’s Partners in Policymaking program is a free leadership and advocacy training program for adults with disabilities and family members of persons with disabilities from across the state. For more information about the program, click here. The… Read More

University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities

Address: 920 Madison Ave, The University of Tennessee Health Science Center
Memphis, TN 38163
Phone: (901) 448-5500 Email: Website:

Our newest site design was launched on September 21, 2007. It is the result of the Web Task Force, which was comprised of many representatives from across the HSC community. We would like to thank everyone who participated in focus groups, your feedback… Read More

The Arc, Upper Valley

Address: 2500 DeMers Avenue,, P.O. Box 12420
Grand Forks, ND 58208
Phone: (701) 772-6191 Fax: (701) 7722195 Email: Website:

The Arc, Upper Valley is a membership organization made up of people with cognitive, intellectual and developmental disabilities; their families, interested citizens, and professionals in the disability field. Together, they, from approximately 1,000… Read More

Brain Injury Association of North Dakota

Address: 1225 South 12th Street
Bismarck, ND 58504
Email: Website:

The Head Injury Association of North Dakota (HIAND) is an organization that provides resources to individuals, families, professionals, and the community regarding brain injury. Currently, the HIAND offers information and referral assistance, outreach… Read More

Niagara Cerebral Palsy

Address: 9812 Lockport Road
Niagara Falls,, NY 14304
Phone: (716) 297-0798 Fax: (716) 2970998 Website:

Our mission is "to provide person centered services which foster independence, inclusion, individuality and productivity to adults and children with various disabilities by establishing goals together to enable each individual to reach their highest potential… Read More

CP Rochester

Address: 3399 S. Winton Road,
Rochester,, NY 14623
Phone: (585) 334-6000 Fax: (716) 3342036 Website:

CP Rochester exists to support people with physical and developmental disabilities in choosing and accomplishing successive individualized life goals. We do this by providing a wide range of services to people of all ages in the greater Rochester area… Read More

Cerebral Palsy of Ulster County

Address: PO Box 1488
Kingston,, NY 12402
Phone: (845) 336-7235 Fax: (845) 3367248 Website:

Our primary purpose is to provide a complete range of necessary services to people with physical and developmental disabilities of all ages, and their families without regard to the person's race, sex, and religion or ability to pay for those services… Read More

Tennessee Disability Pathfinder

Address: 1114 17th Avenue South, Suite 105
Nashville, TN 37212
Phone: (615) 322-8529 Email: Website:

Statewide bilingual disability information & referral service for all ages. Vanderbilt Kennedy Center for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities Pathfinder’s mission is to provide comprehensive bilingual disability information and referral resources… Read More

Tennessee Department of Education, Early Intervention/Education

Address: 710 James Robertson Parkway, Andrew Johnson Tower - 6th Floor
Nashville, TN 37243-0375
Phone: (615) 741-2731 Fax: (615) 5324791 Email: Website:

A quality education is the fundamental right of every child in Tennessee. The department provides many services, and it is our responsibility to ensure equal, safe, and quality learning opportunities for all students, pre-kindergarten through 12th grade… Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?