Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy in Newborns

Birth Injury, Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Cerebral palsy isn’t always apparent at birth, often taking months or years to diagnose. However, there are some signs and symptoms that you may be able to spot in your newborn. If you see these signs, it doesn’t necessarily mean that your child has cerebral palsy, but your pediatrician will likely want to monitor your... Read More

Symptoms of Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis, Cerebral Palsy Information

Cerebral palsy is a condition caused by brain damage that leads to poor muscle tone and movement issues, including rigidity, involuntary movements, and unbalanced walking. The effects of CP on a child can vary, but it’s important to understand the possible cerebral palsy symptoms so that you can get your child the help they need.... Read More

Back Arching and Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis, Patient Care

When a baby or child is crying, they often engage in other physical behaviors that indicate their frustration with a situation. While back arching can indicate minor physical pain or distress, it can also indicate a more serious medical condition. If your child is arching their back while crying severely and cannot be consoled, they... Read More

Why Isn’t My Child Meeting Developmental Milestones?

Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis, Child Development

If you’re like many parents, you’re keeping a close watch on your child’s progress toward developmental milestones. You also may be wondering what it means if your child is not reaching those milestones at the predicted pace. What Are Some Common Developmental Milestones? Babies typically reach certain milestones around particular points in their lives. Every... Read More

My Child Received a Late Diagnosis of Cerebral Palsy—What Do I Do?

Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

Cerebral palsy may be diagnosed early in a child’s life but, in many cases, parents don’t learn that their child has cerebral palsy until later. A cerebral palsy late diagnosis can be difficult, but this condition is manageable at any age when you know what to expect and how to handle these challenges. When Is... Read More

What Natural Treatments Are Available for Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy Treatments

Cerebral palsy can present with a host of symptoms, many of which can negatively affect the quality of your child’s life. Although there isn’t a cure for CP, there are many different treatments, specialists, and medicines that can alleviate its symptoms. Some doctor-prescribed drugs for cerebral palsy can have harsh side effects—which is why many... Read More

What’s the Difference Between Cerebral Palsy and Traumatic Brain Injury?

Causes of Cerebral Palsy, Cerebral Palsy Information

Though cerebral palsy and traumatic brain injuries (TBI) have similar treatment plans and forms of rehabilitation, there are several differences between the two conditions. As the parent or loved one of a child with cerebral palsy, it’s important to understand how these conditions differ to ensure your child receives a proper treatment plan to suit... Read More

What Is the Average Life Expectancy for Children With Cerebral Palsy?

Cerebral Palsy Information, Patient Care, Tips for Parents

Families with children suffering cerebral palsy often wonder, “How long do people with cerebral palsy live?” Most children with cerebral palsy can have a long, productive life with the right care and treatment. This, of course, means they may need more medications, therapies, and medical interventions than children without it. For kids with cerebral palsy,... Read More

What Is Shoulder Dystocia?

Birth Injury

While every mother hopes that their childbirth experience will be smooth and safe, complications during pregnancy can still occur. Shoulder dystocia is one of the most common types of labor complications, occurring in 0.15 to 2% of deliveries. Shoulder dystocia occurs when one of an infant’s shoulders gets caught behind a mother’s pelvis during delivery.... Read More

Cranial Ultrasound and Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral Palsy Diagnosis

If a child continues to miss critical milestones or fails to hit them within an appropriate developmental timeline, your pediatrician may refer you to a pediatric neurologist. These doctors specialize in diseases affecting infants and children’s nervous systems. They will begin the diagnostic process by conducting various neurological tests such as cranial ultrasound to help... Read More

Was Your Child's CP Preventable?